woensdag 8 augustus 2007

Die Hard was Awesome!

So I’ve seen Die Hard 4.0 this weekend. That’s what they call it here in Europe, instead of Live Free or Die Hard. I don’t know why, it seems The Rundown shouldn’t have to be renamed to Welcome to the Jungle and Leon could simply be called Leon everywhere and not The professional in some part.

As I said in the title, Die Hard 4.0 was awesome. It was the best action movie I’ve seen in theater since The Matrix. Yeah, I thought it was that good, or maybe I can’t remember others at this point. Better than three, way better than 2. You can’t compare it to the original. It wouldn’t be fair. Die Hard was revolutionary in it’s time and as such it made an impact on how action films will be shot from that point on. It was the first action movie with a script that had more to say than just being a red line through some action sequences.

I really liked the fast pace the movie had. The action scenes were fast and plenty, and that’s why you would pay to see this movie. I loved the way how the terminator made a cameo to kill a few bad guys with the press of a button. And as you expect from a die hard movie, the script was well written. In every die hard script there is something happening to keep everybody busy while the terrorists (yeah, the movie industry uses that word again) has a second agenda to get away with a boatload of money. Somehow John McClane ends up in the middle of it and start being a pain in the villains ass. The thing that bugged me about Die hard with a Vengeance was that the terrorists knew McClane was there, they even put them there on purpose. Of course it worked well in that script, but I was happy to know that they went back to the familiar formula of the first two movies, by getting John McClane to the right place at the wrong time.

During the movie I kept wondering what the expenses were of such an operation and what could be worth the hassle. To pull the chaos spread in the movie off they needed a pretty good bankroll and you can’t be 100% sure to get away with the prize. But I started to think about the damage done to get where they were going and I’m sure there are some countries willing to fund this endeavor, since the chaos was inevitable.

The one scene that did slightly bug me was the chase scene in which the harrier tried to shoot down the truck. There is no way that a pilot whose only been given the option to stop the truck would risk his billion dollar aircraft just to take out the truck that wasn’t going anywhere after he took out the road below. I even doubt that a pilot would miss a slow moving large vehicle like that, in the first place. But for all that it’s worth it was still eye candy to look at.

The acting was of high level. Timothy Olyphant played his role as brain smart villain really well, I liked the way he lacked to social skills to go with the smarts. There is a great scene where he hands the phone to the wrong person that shows this shortcoming. Justin Long played the role of computer hacker without knowledge of the implication of his actions just as good. After he sees what his actions have brought him, you feel heartfelt sorry for him. The small part of Kevin Smith was fun to watch too. Read below how I thing everything the man touches turns to gold, it holds true in this film. And finally the star of the movie: Bruce Willis. You can’t comment negatively on how he portrayed John McClane, he IS John McClane. I love the way they let him age in this movie. He has a teenage daughter now, and he, of course, lost contact with her. He’s the same grumpy cop with a hard of gold as in the first 3 movies. Who is muttering the injustice done to him while he takes out a helicopter. Fun fact: Did you know the original scene in Die Hard where John is removing the glass from his feet was one without any text? The muttering of how he came to the east coast, “have a few laughs, it’ll be fun”, was improvised. They stuck with it, and is now one of the defining John McClane characteristics.

All in all a great movie. I won’t hesitate to buy this one on DVD when it’s finally released, but I don’t think I can wait that long. I might just download it to see it again in the mean time.

For closing a list of the 5 best action movies of all time. At least the ones I’ve seen. I’m 27 so it won’t feature any movies before 1980. Just the list, no explanations.

- Die Hard
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- The Matrix
- The Terminator 2
- Spiderman 2

(2 sequels in one list, and they say sequels are always worse than the first, not in these cases, though you could say Terminator 1 and 2 are on par with eachother)

vrijdag 3 augustus 2007

A list of movie directors who I respect.

Like I said in my first post here, I love making lists and since there is nothing better for me to do at work, but keep the appearance up that I’m actually working, I decided it’s time for me to make a list.

Kevin Smith.
What can I say about this man that I haven’t already said in the post below? The man is a genius. The dialog this man can write is of the highest level. Don’t expect to see an action movie from this guy, and I’m not even sure he can pull off that horror project he’s working on. It’s called Red State, it’s only been announced and Kevin is still working on a script. I’m not going to expect a scary horror, but instead I’m looking forward to something innovating, never shown before in a horror. Much like Scream, I guess. It was the first of it’s kind and not really scary but more humorous. It’s still a long way away. The movie’s probably not going to be finished before 2009 with the schedule of the Heroes Origin episode he’s planning to shoot and the Reaper series he’s working on. But I know it’s going to be good. Everything the man touches turns into gold.

Joss Whedon.
He made a movie. He counts. Ever seen Serenity? Ok… ok. I’m listing him here more for his work on his series, but I just loved Firefly, Buffy and Angel. I’ve seen them all…. twice.
The Jokes, the way people talk. The whedony words they use.
Whedon has the great talent to end an episode where the viewer is left with Goosebumps on his skin through the end credits. To name a few:
Season 5 of Buffy the vampire slayer episode ‘Two to Go’ great cliffhanger ending. It was an episode I saw on my pc and just had to fire up the last episode right after it. Even though I had to get up for work in a few hours.
Season 5 of Angel – Not Fade Away The last episode of a great series. And what a way to end it all. Get out with a bang and leave the imagination to the viewers. That ending was Epic the last words are memorable. I love the way angel says them. Check it out here

Robert Zemeckis.
He made the best trilogy to this date. (let’s hope he won’t make a fourth or it won’t count as a trilogy anymore) I can’t count the times I watched Back to the Future, as a kid. And even now I can still watch those movies, even though I’ve seen them this often, with a smile on my face. But BTTF is not the only thing this director has going for him. This man has made other classics like Who framed Roger Rabbit? and Forrest Gump.
1995 was a really though year for the Oscars, with Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption. And in any other year either one of those films would’ve won it, but you realy can’t argue Forrest Gump didn’t deserve to win.
Just one more movie I want to highlight is Cast Away. I can’t think of another combination than Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis who could’ve filled over an hour of film just by shooting one man alone on an island. I even had a lump in my throat when he lost his dearest friend Wilson.

Bryan Singer.
A lot of directors try to switch from thriller to action and fall short, and after making The Usual Suspects I’m sure most people frowned when hearing he was directing the X-men movie. He single handedly restored to comic book genre with that film. A genre destroyed by Joel Shumacher when he made the awful batman & robin. I’m just a bit sad he didn’t direct X-3. I can’t blame him for wanting to direct the new superman, but they should’ve waited for him to do them both. Bryan ended X-2 with a shadow figure rising up from the lake cutting away before it reached the surface and with Jean’s voice telling the intro of evolution. I was promised a huge phoenix-like bird in X-3 and they didn’t deliver. Instead they game mutants a powerlevel and reduced the powerful dark phoenix to a tool or weapon for Magneto.
But I was making a list on great directors and not one about crappy sequels. (though I’ll make this one on my to do list) There is a lot more to come from this director. The new superman is in the pipeline and next year we can anticipate the coming of Valkyrie. A movie starring the best female actress from this decade: Carice van Houten (I’m dutch, I’m biased, I know).

Danny Boyle
The best zombie movie ever made came from the hands of this man. It’s called 28 Days Later. Some people argue that they aren’t zombies since they aren’t dead yet, but I feel that when you’ve lost most of your motor functions and the thing you desire most is another persons brains, you can be qualified as a zombie.
The best movie I’ve seen made by this man is Trainspotting. It’s one of those wake up calls. With the message “Drugs are bad, m-kay?” Most drug related movies show you only the high or the low, but never both. The wouldn’t want you to make up your own mind about what’s good or bad in this world. This movie however does. And because of that it has suffered from some negative press, claiming that this movie is pro drugs. But if you just watched this movie, feeling the pain they go through and the decisions they have to make and where it leads them, the overall message is pretty clear. The acting in this movie is of the highest grade. It spawned careers for obi-wan Ewan McGregor, but the rest of the cast is as good as his performance. Robert Carlyle plays the psychopath Francis Begbie so convincingly, that I had a hard time believing he was a nice guy in other movies I’ve seen him in.

Of course there are way too many great directors to name them all here, so I’m not going to bother making an honorable mentions list. I’m a movie freak and you don’t have to tell me how great Tarantino, Rodriguez or Spielberg is. Just as much I don’t need to tell you that. They’ll probably come up in other lists I’ll be making along the way.
Till next time.
Till Die Hard!

woensdag 1 augustus 2007

Damn you Civ4 Beyond the Sword

First week on the blog and I’m already struggling to find some content to write.
The thing is, I haven’t seen a lot of movies this week. I’ve been preoccupied with the game Civ4 beyond the sword. I’m hoping to make this up after I watch Live free or Die Hard this weekend. I’m really looking forward to it. Die Hard is and always will be the number 1 action movie in my book. Add to that the good reviews I’ve read and a cameo of my favorite movie persona Kevin Smith and you can’t go wrong.

Kevin has his own blog at www.silentbobspeaks.com, it’s the only celebrity blog I consistently find the urge to read for. He even has an entry over his heterosexual man crush Bruce Willis, you can look it up, it’s posted around December 2006. I can compare it a bit with the way I feel about Kevin Smith. Well…. You know… he’s not an action hero or even remotely close to that. (except for that one bluntsaber-force thing he did in Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back) but every time I see a Kevin Smith related item on my screen I can’t stop watching. The first movie I ever saw of Kevin was Dogma on VHS. The sound was terrible, it must’ve been a video thing, but I loved the movie. Such a great way to satirize religion and faith, but in the mean time still give a clear message bout moral values. And of course the humor was right up to my ally. I’m not such a movie freak (or at least I wasn’t) that everytime I looked at a good movie I had to know who made it. So I left it at that. I’ve seen Jay and Silent Bob in the mean time and started to recognize the characters.

One time I was watching TV at 1:00 am in the morning with some friends, to drunk or to lazy to get out on a Saturday night, and we were watching some dude infront of a mike telling his life story. He was answering questions from college students and taking his time to do so. Every story he told turned into a great anecdote or joke and the hours went by like they were nothing.

That’s when I started to actively follow Kevin Smith’ career, picking up Clerks (I can’t believe I had to import that one from oversees) Chasing Amy and his other movies.The man is a genius. If you haven’t seen any of his work you’re missing out. Or if you have seen his movies, but are not a fan, please look at some clips from an evening with Kevin Smith on YouTube.

I’ll let you know what I thought about Live free or Die Hard next week. I’m sure I won’t be disappointed, It’s Die Hard!

donderdag 26 juli 2007


I watched Zodiac the other day and it got me thinking about the ideal movie length. This movie had a runtime of 157 minutes. I’ve seen 2 other movies this yeah with a runtime well over 2 hours, Blood Diamond and Pirates of the Caribbean: at Worlds End.

Zodiac was not a bad movie, in fact I really enjoyed it, but when a movie takes that long to unfold the mind begins to drift from time to time. It has something to do with momentum. In a interview with Joss Whedon, I saw on the extra’s of the Serenity DVD, he talks about this and how a movie is a lot different from making an episode from a series. The most difficult part was the editing, a lot of great footage had to be cut from the movie just because it slowed the movie down.

The most ideal runtime for a movie, in my opinion, is 100 minutes. It holds up for almost all movie genres, except the historic fiction genre (Braveheart, Troy, Lord of the Rings). Those movies are meant to last longer to give it the epic feel, I guess. Or it might just be that they need that little more time for a good intro.

As I said, I watched three 2,5 hour movies, 2 of those had bad momentum. Zodiac had a part where Jake’s character, a cartoonist, retraced all the steps of the police, which slowed the movie down. They could’ve merged the scenes showing the cartoonist asking about it and then shown the investigation in flashback form. I believe it would’ve kept the runtime under 2 hours and made for a better movie. Blood Diamond had a part in which our heroes visited a schoolteacher in the middle of the jungle who got shot a half-hour later. This scene was necessary to get to the next point in the army base where they would drop the teacher for medical care, but this scene just lasted too long. This was where the movie came to a screeching halt and my mind started to wonder. I even went as far to pick up my laptop and started reading the latest current events on news sites. This should not happen when I watch a movie. And there are tons of movies where it doesn’t. Blood Diamond could’ve been a great movie, instead it’s just a good one. The final half hour redeems a lot, it even got me thinking it was the movie of the year, but then I remembered the part where I had my computer on my lap.

A movie needs to have good momentum, it’s what can separate a great movie from a good one. If you want to watch a great movie, go check the award sites and see which movie won best editing.

woensdag 25 juli 2007

First Entry


I started a blog. I don't know if i can keep up writing on a regular basis, but at least i started it on a subject i can talk lot's about. I'm Jero and live in the Netherlands, so if you see bad grammar just think how english isn't my native language.

I love movies. I don't spend much time going to cinema's watching them , but i have a nice and evergrowing collection of dvd's at home. From time to time i'll download a movie, if i can't wait for it to be released on dvd and there is a good dvd-rip out there somewhere. I need the movie to have a basic quality to enjoy it, so i won't download any ts or cam screeners. Downloading isn't illegal here, i don't feel guilty about downloading. In my opinion the movie business has grown thanks to the internet rather than suffered from it, but i'll discuss that some other time. This is just an introduction, and if i like the movie i downloaded it'll probably end up in my dvd collection soon anyway.

I love making lists and you'll be seeing a lot of them here. Perhaps they won't be ranked from 1 to 10. It's too hard to rank one movie over another if i feel they are both awesome. I'll start making a list of movies i realy liked, but you might not have seen yet. Nobody needs to tell you Pulp Fiction was good, the boxoffice did that for you. I'll list a few movies that didn't get the attention they deserverd, well... at least not in the Netherlands.

- Garden State. A movie made and starred by Zach Braff, with Natalie Portman. It's about a quiet actor comming home for his mother's funeral, where he meets a girl who seems to be the total opposite of himself.
Have you ever seen a movie when it ended you thought was just 'meh.' but you couldn't stop thinking about it? This is such a movie. It isn´t a complex movie but the subtle buildup and overall feel of the movie made me remember scenes and putting them with other scenes for 2 days after I watched it.

- Dark City. With Rufus Sewell, Jennifer Connoly and Kiefer Sutherland.
I didn't take note of this film until 2004 or something. It was completely overshadowed by the promotions of The Matrix and Star Wars Episode 1. Normaly a movie will be released 6 month after it's released in the US, but for big budget films there's a worldwide premier, that's why i didn't see this beauty until 5 years later. I won't compare this to the Matrix, it's been done to often. I like both movies.

- Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang. With Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer. Downey a failed criminal stumbles into an acting job for which he is flown to hollywood, where he meets a detective named Gay Perry (kilmer). I just heard the movie was good, not wat it was about. I can't compare any other movie to this one. The language, the humor, overall a great movie.

- Office Space. Without a doubt the best B movie i've ever seen. A computer programmer, Peter, is tired of his job. He visits a hypnotherapist who dies right after Peter is hypnotized. Peter starts to care less and less about his job and more about life, but the more he starts slacking off, the more he is appreciated for it at work.

I'll add some more movies when i think of them. For now, i got to get back to work.